Email Confirmation

You will receive a confirmation email ensuring
that you’re enquiry has been received by
the Raw Jam team.

We’ll call you within 24 hours

You will receive a call within 24 hours from one
of our team. They will ask for your availability
for an initial meeting which can be done on
the phone, via skype/facetime or in person
depending on your location.

Initial Meeting

The meeting will take place on the confirmed
date & time. Here we can get a better idea
of what your exact needs are down to the
finer details.

Proposal Submission

Following the initial meeting, we will craft a
proposal based on your specific requirements.
It will contain all of the tasks to be completed,
timelines and costs. You will receive this
proposal within 48 hours.

Let the work Begin

When the proposal has been agreed,
we will then schedule all tasks and
commence the work!

Get in touch with us

We'd love to help you with your next project