WordPress vs Python Coding and Development

Posted by Raw Jam Raw Jam on .

Some people say that coding from scratch is obsolete and others say that CMS systems like WordPress aren’t nearly sophisticated enough. Which is right? CMS is generally used to replace coding so the user doesn’t have to learn how to use difficult techniques or tools. Whereas, coding allows you to make customised solutions with the trade-off of needing an extensive amount of knowledge. Let’s delve into this topic a little bit deeper…

Which is the best – A WordPress or Python Website?

That’s a trick question. CMS systems like WordPress are generally best suited for small businesses. You can set up an online store without learning how to do any database management. A blog without setting up HTML and creating new pages with ease via drag and drop options.

If you’re building a content specific site where there will be a small number of authors/admins, 99% of the time a WordPress site will be more than adequate for your needs. WordPress also has thousands of plugins to aid with certain site functionalities so many SMEs opt for this solution. It simplifies the process of updating and maintaining your website.

The main downside to using WordPress is that plugins are vulnerable to being hacked if you don’t keep on top of updates.

WordPress vs Python Coding  - Python Image

Why would you ever need coding you ask? Well, when you want to create unique experiences or tackle specific problems. With python coding, you can do a lot more customisation than you could ever do with a CMS system like WordPress.

If you are running a medium to large company, where you’d like certain elements of your business activity to be automated, highly customised and secure…your best bet it to go with python coding using a Django CMS.

Also, if you’re a business where performance is intrinsically linked to success, then a WordPress CMS is unlikely to be the best port of call for you. Take Amazon for example. Every second that it takes for their pages to load, they can lose massive amounts of revenue.

Finally, famous sites including YouTube, Dropbox, Yahoo, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube and Google are built using python due to its dynamic nature so you know you’ll be using a highly regarded platform.

If you’d like to know more about our Python services, please don’t hesitate to contact the Raw Jam team here!

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